
🌲 For Binary Search:
👉 Click on the button that says Binary Search.
👉 Enter a number in the square slot to specify a length for a sorted array.
👉 Click on the "Generate Tree" to see the unrolling T(n).
👉 Then click on the blue square with T(n) to expand the unrolling tree.

🌲 For Merge Sort:
👉 Click on the button that says Merge Sort.
👉 Enter a number in the square slot to specify a length for a unsorted array.
👉 Click on the "Generate Tree" to see the unrolling of T(n).
👉 Then click on the blue square with T(n) to expand the unrolling tree.

🌲 For Fibonacci:
👉 Click on the button that says Fibonacci.
👉 Enter a number in the square slot.
👉 Click on the "Generate Tree" to see the unrolling of T(n).
👉 Then click on the blue square with T(n) to expand the unrolling tree.